Has anyone heard of the game Dead Island? I'm pretty big on zombie games, and I've always wanted an open world zombie game for this generation of gaming.
I don't know how many of you guys saw the trailer for Dead Island, it was a somber trailer but untelling of how the game actually played.
And I hadn't heard much about the game until I saw a post linking to a gameplay demonstration of Dead Island, and I gotta say I'm impressed. For people who can't the video, it seems to blend in a FPS style of zombie shooter (like Left 4 Dead), with an open world RPG design. This seems like the game I have been waiting for!
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/to-kill-dead-island/714102 -
Check it out and tell me what you think! Also, what is your favorite zombie game to date? I would have to say mine is the 1st Resident Evil.
Awesome game, a must have.
Loved the trailer for this. Was awesome.
Been waiting for this game a looooooooooooooooong time I tell you, was supposed to be released in 09 or something, but ofcourse not :D
the trailer was so good. i can't wait for this to come out
love zombie movies.. and this trailer looks SICK!
I am looking forward to it to say the least. that said i dont think dead island (or any game for that matter) can live up to the left 4 dead standard
Not really a zombie game fan, but I do love anything Sandboxy.. and I do like RPG's!
I have been looking for this, thanks!
yeah i also like this one
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