
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

E3 Microsoft Photoshops

The first big day of the E3 expo was yesterday, and we got to see some good coverage on upcoming games. First, let me state how awful Microsoft's conference was. It was literally 80% Kinect kid games, and it looked like they didn't give two shits about the hardcore gamers.

There were also some funny camera shots of the people using Kinect, and even funnier GIFs and photoshops, enjoy!

I mean WTF is this?



that XBox motion capture one at the end is awesome, wonder what it is

Zealot said...

Looks like they are just trying to take gamers away from the wii saying look we can make cutesy games too.

Intraman said...

yeah they're just trying to compete with nintendo...

Xenototh said...

I am so tired of the Kinect kiddie crap. I really hope they come out with some decent games for adults, seeing as how I have one...

Ben said...

i love how "into" the games these tester get, even the fake laughter haha!


Nom de Plume said...


Dejch said...

this is goin to be great! :)

VegaX said...

The last one looks like some sort of magic spear xD

Pool Fool said...

second pic is awesome lol

Jay Reid said...

Oh dear!

Anonymous said...

They need to stop trying to be like the wii because who are they trying to fool here? LOL at the Arnold pic

Doc_Waffles said...

Dude honestly kinect and move need to stop. Go outside and play football. Give me more Skyrim stuff.

Elliot said...

I haven't seen techo Conan for ages awesome.


fabio_2007 said...

haha, so funny

InfoTube said...

So sick of Kinect.

123 said...

haha awesome

Funny Picture of the Day said...

Haha hilarious.

baka1236 said...

hahaha, so funny. the facial expressions are priceless

JayPower said...

Damn kinect is getting pretty amazing ;D

netw said...

ahah hilarious

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