
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Meet the PS Vita

So Sony announced a new handheld console to be hitting the market, the PS Vita, and by the looks of it, it will be feature packed!

The PS Vita will be a PSP type mobile console featuring:
-Multiplayer chatting while watching videos/playing games
-WiFi or 3g connectivity
-Multi-touch screen
-Front and Rear Cameras
-Dual Analogs (YES!)
-PS3 integration

It was also priced at $249, which I think makes it a great buy for all the prospective features.


phosports said...

wow, that is so cool. i have to get one

Moobeat said...


gman said...

Alas, I a far too muchof a pc gamer to even consider buying a psp

Dejch said...

could use one of these

t30 said...

i love e3... so many cool new things

bb31 said...

looks pretty fun. how big is the screen?

Intraman said...

looks pretty nice, i wish i had the money to buy one

BigMike said...

I worry about the games and the battery life...

Browser Beware said...

The PS Vita will have (too) much competition from the smartphones...

Monoriss said...

I've always wanted a PPS ;( this model looks nice

chillmastor said...

2 Analogsticks are nice :)

Skaerf said...

This shit looks incredible

Alexis said...

Wow that looks beautiful!

Bunny Hill said...

Look great and the price is not too high.

Malkavian said...

249? sounds good actually

Kicking Rocks said...

I thought it was going to be more expensive but i'll wait because i made a mistake buying the psp early!

Unknown said...

"Meet the heaven"
I've falled in the love with PS Vita.

ed said...

sweet, im probably going to get one

Dola said...

nooooooo another game system i wont get xD

remocon said...

huh i thought they were coming out with something called the ngp

Athanasian Complexio said...

Hmm, doesn't seem too bad. I'm pretty satisfied with my 3DS right now though. I missed Sony's presentation on E3, but I'm going to look up more specs on this thing. I might be inclined to buy it if it's backwards compatible and isn't as dumb as the PSP Go was.

Blk Jesus said...

looks awesome and its not that bad compared to 3ds

baka1236 said...

i can't wait for this to come out!

Lucifer said...

what about ngp ?

Lisa said...

Looks great, but people will probably just play on their phones.

Unknown said...

It looks cool and all but I would not drop that much money on a portable gaming device.

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