
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wii U mixed reactions

Evidently Nintendo's stock hit a 5 year low after the WiiU unveiling.

“There were high expectations from the new version of the Wii and this fell far short,” Yusuke Tsunoda, an analyst at Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., said by phone today. “People had expected to see something more at a big event like the E3, but there wasn’t really anything more than what’s already reported.”

Nintendo tumbled 5.7 percent to 16,930 yen at the close of trading in Osaka. More than 2.2 million shares changed hands, compared with a six-month daily average of about 720,000. 

It probably didn't help the fact that during the revealing of their new console, Reggie Fils-Aime showed some a video montage of what was supposed to be Wii-U footage, but in fact it was PS3/360/PC footage.

However, on the positive side for Nintendo, it seems that the Wii U was the most popular line on the E3 floor, leading to believe that maybe the fans have trust that this console can live up to it's HD expectations.

What do guys think about the Wii U?


JayPower said...

Damn looks like wii is on its way to being phased out tbh!

Dejch said...

WII is gonna own us all soon!

gman said...

i dislike the current wireless technology, imho it is innacurate at measuring physical movements.

Marieke said...

Looks pretty cool, actually, I think!

BigMike said...

I think they are going to move away from what made the Wii a great console.. family friendly and my grandma used it. Stop chasing after xbox and ps3 and do your own thing!

Magixx said...

looks epic, nice blog, keep it up!

Skaerf said...

Market overreacting already, we need to wait til it releases before such harsh reactions..

Moobeat said...


Kicking Rocks said...

it looks good but damn they should have used their own footage!

Malkavian said...

I think nintendo is in good hands as always but those hands are of Little children, Nintendo console is and will be forever a Game for kids. The Hardcore gamers want something else so they look for it in the PS3 and Xbox 360

chillmastor said...

looks like a xbox 360.

Blk Jesus said...

i like it and the game line up nintendo had was looking better then anyones

Sean said...

meh....dont want

BarryBumflop said...

I've saw numerous posts on this. It looks horrific, definitely not getting this. @chillmastor I agree, that one was of my first thoughts.

Anonymous said...

It'll be great!

Lisa said...

Not really interested. Unless they come out with a BADASS Donkey Kong.

Moobeat said...

Stll not sure

Anonymous said...

Not sure yet as well, would definitely like to try one out though :>

baka1236 said...

i think this is going to be interesting.(nice neutral answer there)

i do know that the controllers are going to be heavy as hell

Alexander said...

wii and ps3 ftw sux so bad

Dralel said...

It doesn't look that good, and it's more of a device than console. The PS4 and 720 are gonna win over. =D

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